Your Questions, Answered ... 

Q: Are you covered by OHIP or extended insurance plans?

A: No, my work is not covered by OHIP or extended insurance plans.



Q: How much do you charge?

A: A single session costs $125.00. It is possible to pay for 5 sessions in advance for $525.00.


Q: What is scoliosis?

A: Scoliosis is usually defined as a lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliosis affects and is affected by several systems in the body, including perception, coordination, muscular activity throughout the body, and almost all of the body's skeletal alignment.


Q: How do you treat scoliosis?

A: I treat scoliosis with posture and proprioception training, manual treatment and therapeutic exercise involving stretching and strengthening. For more information about my treatment approach you can click on this link.

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Q: I have heard that scoliosis can only be effectively treated with surgery and bracing. Is this true?

A: This is not true. Research has been published which shows that exercise treatment has had some success in positively effecting scoliosis.

Q: What do you think about yoga for scoliosis?

A: A lot of clients ask me about yoga and other methods and treatments. Rather than state a general opinion about any of them - there are many different styles of yoga and many different teachers with differing approaches - I would rather discuss specific questions about a stretch, an exercise, or a therapeutic technique. Feel free to email me with your question.